My Story 🤩

Profile -

Over the last few years, I have been on a crazy ride with a lot happening in my life

📚 Completed 2 Full-time Master degrees

🚀 Launched 4 startups while working full-time

😭 Failed at 3 business ventures

đŸ‘ļ Became a daddy with Anika (now 2 years old)

đŸŖ Now cooking the second one 😁

🚨 Moved interstate

🎙 Launched a podcast

and more....

The last couple of years has been a great struggle for me both personally and professionally. 😞

Often didn't have enough time with family & friends, read books, learn new things and make valuable connections.

Benji 2.0 is here 🤩

Over the past year, I have been investing in my wellbeing, learning new things, taking up new challenges, meeting people and optimising my day in life as a startup founder.

With a new lifestyle-design (in-progress), A quite few things have changed for my family and me

🚀 Started MyGigsters (evaluated at $2Million)

đŸĨŗ Built a software development company from 0 to $10,000 Monthly Recurring Revenue

💰 Built an investment portfolio (28% return)

đŸ’Ē Lost 10 kilos

✅ 10 x my productivity

⛹ī¸â€â™‚ī¸ Doubled my sports activity

🎙 Launched a podcast and speaking at events

and more....

I would like to share 5 things that I learn and explore every week

5 things Friday (VTF) 🤩